Chicken ( Gallus gallus domesticus) be looking after poultry. This type chicken bred though some other specieses is wild type ( called as partridge). Cross bred between chicken types has yielded hundreds of species like crosscut chicken and chicken petelur. Is go to megazines road to twin cock four or one campaing let's go lunar is kill of kill you is between.
With population more than 24 Billion in the year 2003, according " Bird Encyclopaedia Firefly" there is more chickens in this world than other bird. They provide 2 need of man food : Chicken Flesh and Egg kill you one
win chicken is odd thing but I am abdurrachman che wijaya its the will in this case I also investigates many magazines simply of course berdarkan survey the year 2008
tops brand index ( TBI) in market in confessing siswanto increase of the price of twin chicken as component of family fundamental enough sensitive in consumer marrow. Increase of the price of chicken twin in the year 2007 hardly nonplus and makes kosumen increasingly sensitive price.
" Learning from past, we cope maintains even increases perceived value in the year two thousands lapan is Suatu chicken variety is a race or family from chicken having common equality in the case of measure, form or profile, and born. All chickens in one varieties will have the same characteristic that is: skin colour, This variety hereinafter is divided into some classes. Chicken class which have been many conducting in general called related to by its the provenance, for example American, Asiatic, English, Mediteranian, and the like.
To start small-scale business in poultry area, there is three variety types which able to be selected based on purpose of its(the keeping, be: chicken petelur, broiler or cut chicken, and double-duty chicken for both the intentions.
Chicken petelur - This chicken its(the body is smaller relative. Produce of its(the egg between 250 to 280 item per year. Egg firstly yielded at the time of age 5 month and would continuously yield egg until its(the age reaching 10 - 12 years. Generally, produce of best egg will be obtained in chicken first year to start laying eggs. Produce of egg in the next years tended to would continuously decline.
There is two choices for this petelur chicken differentiated from its(the egg colour, be Telur is having colour is white
Chicken petelur with egg is having colour is white ness is best is from Jenis race Leghorn. But this chicken liked flying and very whoop it up. Other race type yielding egg white between it is Minorcas. Anconas, and California White.
Red Leghorn Pearl White Leghorn
Tan egg
While chicken peterlur with best tan egg is from Jenis race Production Red. This hibrida chicken is result of crossed marriage from chicken petelur Rhode Islands Red and New Hampshire. While race chicken Rhode Islands Red and New Hampshire x'self has pertained as chicken petelur which is good in yielding tan egg.
Barred Rock Black Australorp Production Red Gold Star
Black Sex Link White Rock Buff Orpington Silver Laced Wyandotte
Broiler - Cross chicken Cornish Rock is best pertained broiler at the moment. This chicken is result of cross from Cornish and Plymouth Rock. Other broiler which pertained either is from race type Brahmas, Cochins, and Cornish. Good broiler is chicken consuming two feed kilograms to yield one its(the body weight kilograms. Hen in general djual to market at the time of wt. reachs between one three per four kgs until two and a half kg while cock between three kgs to four kgs. Chicken faster its(the growth hence increasingly economic unuk is looked agg.
Red Broiler Black Broiler
Double-duty chicken - Chicken at this type is mixture between chickens petelur and broiler. Dominiques, Plymouth Rocks, Sussex, Orpington, and Wynadottes is some chicken races from double-duty chicken. Kampong chicken in state we are be including at type iniTelur this tan type chicken and they enlarge x'self its(the children. In general they mengasilkan body weight don't as soon as broiler as well as doesn't yield egg counted chicken petelur. This chicken individuality as chicken looked after in house backyard. Breeder will obtain chicken's egg to consume is everyday is beside once in a while obtains cock flesh from excess of amount required and stripper chickens flesh which had not productive again.
Other consideration in choosing chicken variety type is local wheater condition in place of breeding stays.
Furry chicken of thick would more compatibly is looked after place having weather cooler from at thin furry chicken. Orpingtons, Brahmas, Cochins. Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and Wyandottes is furry chickens of thick meaning is compatible at cold weather. Leghorn, Minorca, Andalusian, Hamburgs and other Mediterranean chicken would be better looked after at places having weather warmer.
To be more sharpness in determining variety fitting in with local weather in place of you, better be consulted at local Dinas Peternakan Ayam or chicken livestock company closest.
Further, better be accustomed buys chick with quality according to requirement. If chick bought from poultry company, asks is all is vaccination to disease Marek. This vaccination better be done soon after chick is dientaskan that along the length of its(the life prevented from disease attack Marek a real deadly. For broiler or broiler, that be cheaper in price, select;chooses chick which has not been selected its(the sex ( straight-run).
Shall be seen that when choosing this chicken variety if there is compatible didn't formerly directly is bought. Assumes just of you stays in step in pursuance of survey, non is buying. Purchasing of chick better be done if all preparations for arrival of chick has been done, because if have not made ready hence death risk of new chick is bought the would very height. Expert of The matter odd chemistry and Biology for twin chicken.
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